Bramleys, Golden Delicious, for all apples we yearn.
Autumn sees apples falling from trees,
the onus on all to bake something to please.
Crumble, tart, turnover, biscuits, and pie,
Steaming puddings to catch Granny Smith's eye.
Red apple strudel to make a Pink Lady blush.
Apples to snack on when you're in a rush.
Everyone loves apples except for Snow White,
but you can't really blame her she got such a fright.
We're big apple fans as we're sure you can tell,
we were certain these biscuits would go down so well.
Yet only 14% apple was really quite sad,
Go on, increase the apples and make us all glad.
Biscuit: Kex Apple
Taste test: 4 out of 10
Cost: £1.30 from Ikea
Cost: £1.30 from Ikea
More weird biscuits from abroad please...