a gentle wind on Blashford Lake
dragging on a cigarette for a break
a magic dragon from Honah Lee
a whispy cloud that you can barely see
a sound that's so evocative
of an old steam locomotive
a saucy siren who won't go on show
without her trusty powder puff glow
because the little pig's house was of sterner stuff
the big, bad wolf needed more than a huff
layers of pastry lightened with air
thank goodness these biscuits are oblong, not square
Biscuit: Blueberry Puff
Taste test: 8 out of 10
Cost: £1.49 from M&S in Lymington
Cost: £1.49 from M&S in Lymington
What's in those puffs man? You require the opium addled mind of Keats to find the true meaning of this poem.