Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Biscuitology of Brain Injury

This week is Action for Brain Injury Week. Please show your support for Headway by making a small donation. 
Just click on the Just Giving logo to donate.

Morning Coffee biscuits
are caffeine injections for my voice
propelling me to talk about brain injury
how it changed my life and took away choice

When a bomb goes off in your head
people say "you're lucky you're not dead"
yet with all the turmoil hidden inside
I know, on that day I wish I'd died

The fear and the pain in the eyes of my family
were part and parcel of the unfolding tragedy
the constant confusion of being alive
battled to suffocate my will to survive

Now it's hard to find the right person to love
although I would and could -
but can't
because the whole damn world exists on a slant

The person I am now is simplified
and I feel for once time's on my side
I'm on a journey - no desire to regret
Just tell me please, am I there yet?

Biscuit: Crawford's Morning Coffee
Taste test: 5 out of 10
Cost:  2 for £1 from Poundland in Shirley


  1. What a thought provoking insight into what it is like to live with a brain injury!

  2. As Jonny Fluffypunk (our poetry mentor) said, Crawfords' Morning Coffee is a simple, plain-speaking biscuit that inspires such honesty...

  3. very moving...


Please tell us what you think about our poems and the biscuits