Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Tosh and Piffle

At Headway we're not averse,
to speaking tosh and nonsensical verse.
Twaddle, gobbledigook, bunkum and double dutch,
we speak them all fluently with a very fine touch

Yet the posh speak tosh to impress,
littering their language with dross to excess.
Whilst Trump slates all the news as phoney,
and runs the White House by tweeting baloney.

Codswallop, gibberish, drivel and tripe,
ignore the tosh speakers - don't believe their hype.
Tommyrot and hyperbole creating a fug
close your ears it's all just humbug!

Biscuit: Tosh chocolate and hazelnut biscuits
Taste test: 9.8 out of 10
Cost: Gift from Costa Rica

1 comment:

  1. You bunch of snout-fairs will enjoy this article.



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