Today is someone's birthday,
is it your's today?
Are you celebrating
or will you hide away?
Are you happy to exist
adding wishes to your list,
or do you turn the other cheek
when offered a birthday kiss?
People are divided
into the celebrators and the nots,
those who won't tell a soul
and would rather it forgot,
and the others who like to
broadcast the fact,
who yearn to be pampered
and patted on the back.
However you choose to mark
the passing of your years,
be it with a party, cake or
a round of cheers.
Acknowledge the fact
that you're a year wiser,
ever closer to your obituary
in the local Advertiser.
Biscuit: DeBeukelaer ChocOle
Taste test: 9.9 out of 10
Cost: £1.39 from Waitrose in Lymington
Cost: £1.39 from Waitrose in Lymington