A Favorina Assortment of Events
Jess, our devoted volunteer
Had her son, Ethan, at the start of the year.
In June, James, Jon, Lee and Katie,
Gary, Mandy, Jen and Jamie
Spent a delightful hour
Enjoying Sister Act at the Mayflower.
Here, Sushma created a nice warm feeling
With each session of her Reiki healing.
We have to thank Aviva Health Care
For heroic acts of garden repair.
In our backyard they cleared the weeds
And planted fresh new seeds.
Paul and Joey too, we must applaud
For their success at the Headway Volunteers’ Award.
Before this, we all tried to pitch in
To buy and fit out our new kitchen.
We’ve learned to draw from new aspects
With our new art tutor, Alex.
In October, our group made a smart getaway
For a fine and dry south coast holiday.
In October too, we said a last goodbye
To our friend, John, cricketer and all-round grand guy.
But we have at least ended the year on a high
With Christmas lunch and another mince pie.
Biscuits: A Favorina Luxury Biscuit Selection from Lidl
Taste test: 10 out of 10
Cost: A gift from Stef
Cost: A gift from Stef