Barnum took the animals from the zoo
And taught them to perform in public view.
Tigers, seals, hippos, koalas and elephants too,
The pride of lions that made him proud,
All these creatures entertained the crowd.
For taming the big cats he had a real good tip
To wave his chair and crack his whip.
If children grew bored and began to frown,
He’d introduce Zippo the clown.
There's a sucker born every minute, so he said,
But Barnum himself wouldn’t let fame turn his head.
He ran his business with a purpose,
While ringmaster Trump has turned his whole show into a circus.
He may say the Mexicans and Africans are slackers,
But all his ideas are, just like these biscuits, crackers.
Biscuits: Barnum's Animals
Taste test:3 out of 10
Cost: $3.50 from Danny's Deli in New York City