When I put the finger in my mouth to bite,
I purposefully give the children a fright.
Their young faces, they turn pale,
When I start to crunch into the nail.
The unsettling snap of teeth on bone,
Makes them jump like the ring of a phone.
As I'm chewing on the digit,
The unnerving sound makes the kiddiewinks fidget.
They say "Daddy we won't sleep tonight,
we're frightened, we witnessed an awful sight."
I tell them all - "Don't be daft,
They're just chocolate fingers made by Kraft."
PS: As a postscript I should disclose, don't use these fingers to pick your nose.
Biscuit: Cadbury Fingers
Taste test: 8 out of 10
Cost: £1.00 from Tesco in Lymington
Taste test: 8 out of 10
Cost: £1.00 from Tesco in Lymington