Friday, 28 November 2014

An Observation on Dogs

Dogs are loyal
Sheep dogs, shooting dogs, guide dogs, rescue dogs
Prince had only 3 legs,
he was friendly and colourful and kept falling over,
Dark and mysterious was treacle.

Dogs are fun loving animas,
they do smell bad though,
they have the stinkiest farts known to man.

Honey the German Shepherd was lovely,
but scared of Mandy's husband,
Colin and Polly were hilarious and fluffy,
Merlin the Jack Russell spent hours,
amusing himself by chasing his tail,
Molly was sent to the kennels because
she would eat everyones' shoes.

Dogs listen without comment and love without condition,
They are so energetic, full of love and affection.

Biscuit: Cadbury Mini Animals
Taste test: 8 out of 10
Cost: £1.59 from Waitrose in Lymington

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Hip to be Square

Today it's hip to be square
4 equal sides, 2 dimensional
Perfect to divide and share
To be square is to be conventional

Today it's hip to be square
4 lines of symmetry, 2 faces
Perfect to stack over there
Constructive tessellation
Building towers in different places

Biscuit: Rice Krispies Squares
Taste test: 7 out of 10
Cost: £1.69 for 4 from Tesco in New Milton

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Nude Korean Treats

Korean biscuit sticks, a food
With flavours so much more than good,
‘original’, ‘almond’ and ‘nude’
Although we do not wish to be rude.

When this blog began we did not foresee a
Day that we would eat biscuits from Korea.
They dissolve so sweetly in the mouth,
So we assume they’re from the south.

Sent from the Institute of Sejong,
On the plate they hardly lasted long.
We’d like to thank the language students there
For their gift, so generous and fair.

Three whole packets we ate in a trice.
We’re glad they were not from north of the border,
Where all they consume is a bowl of plain rice,
Where Kim and his cronies keep rigid order.

We hope they don’t follow our blog today,
And choose to send their next rocket our way.
Now we think we should end what we say
Before we get blown completely away.

Biscuit: Lotte Pepero
Taste test: 9.999 out of 10
Cost: A gift from the Institute of Sejong 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Making A Mint

From Lidl, assuming there’s no fiddle.

Poor old Lloyds have almost no money.
Don’t you find that terribly funny.

Other banks are making a mint.
They’ve left the rest of us skint.

They’re so choc full of cash
They can’t hide their huge stash.

Their managers feel no stress
They’ve followed the rules of RBS.

Like Fred the Shred they live so well
And leave the rest of us to rot in hell.

The staff will come off worst, we bet,
As the black horse gallops into the sunset.

Short and sweet like this biscuit.
Our accountant, Jegan, has worked out
The proportion of chocolate in it.

Eighty nine per cent or just about.

Biscuit: Mister CHOC  Crispy Mint Choco Chips 
Taste test: 8.5 out of 10
Cost: Cheap as chips from Lidl in Totton