Thursday 1 June 2017

Butter or Marge: The real deal or the substitute

Election time and the politicians are here,
Buttering us up with their smooth, slick talk.
They deserve less than a pat on the head.
They tell us we’ll be in Clover
And you butter believe them.

We need an Anchor in these troubled times,
A Stork to deliver the NHS,
But what we hear is a Lurpak of empty promises
And a Country Life of hunting foxes.

The media’s misinformation is like Flora,
Easily spread, or like Bertolli,
Olive oil on troubled waters.
But voting is a contract, for butter or worse.

These lines have been inspired
By a banana and butterscotch nationalist,
A chocolate chump and pecan Nuttall,
Who’s ginger and rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb.
Those politicians, they all take the buttery biscuit.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately my vote for Lib Dem or Labour (Still undecided) won't count for much as we don't live in a Margarineal seat.


Please tell us what you think about our poems and the biscuits