Tuesday 6 February 2018

We Salute the Suffragettes

It's the suffragette centenary
marking women's first step for liberty,
setting themselves free
from kitchen and household drudgery.
They wanted the vote, an occupation,
recognition and emancipation

Purple, green and white
were the colours of the suffragette fight,
they were hellbent
on destabilising the establishment,
chaining themselves to railings
on account of male failings.
They stopped eating and suffered many beatings,
some even resorted to starvation
to get themselves heard by the nation.

And so it continues today,
with the demand for equal pay,
we salute the women of yesteryear,
who took on the campaign without fear.

Biscuits: Nutter Butter
Taste test: 7 out of 10
Cost: Gift from the USA

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