Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Jammie Dodger Debarcle

Up until recently dodgers
have been dairy free.
Vegans have walked a-whey,
their using a petition to have their say.
Burton's claim the changes 
are out of necessity
to make them more sugar free
to fight obesity.

For half a century 
it's been the same recipe,
to alter it now is surely a travesty?
A sumptuous feast of jam and shortbread
that elicits deep joy from toes to the head.

It's a corporate decision to increase profit'
but vegans don't care 
they just want to scoff it.
Their rallying cry, to cause an affray
is 'C'mon Burton's, Get Out The Whey!'

Biscuit: Burton's Jammie Dodgers
Taste test:  9 out of 10 (at the moment!)
Cost: Gift from a fan of the old recipe

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Miss You We Will

Sadly we are having to say 'See Ya',
To our very own Princess Leah.
As a rehab officer she is a charmer,
her name (but not for long) is Anita Sharma.
Hiren Skywalker, ever since she met ya,
she was destined to become Mrs Dhanecha.
May the force be with you both,
when you become betroth,
and set up home in Kent,
(a distant galaxy far far away)
together forever as it was meant.
Miss you we will!

Biscuit: Fox's Star Wars Galactic Snacks
Taste test:  6 out of 10
Cost: £1.00 from Waitrose in Lymington