Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Fox's Party Rings

These rings suggest to Olly
A party in 1973,
Six years old and running wild,
Such a sweet, angelic child.

Now this cardboard biscuit
Makes him want to curse,
And even far worse,
But not to write inspired poetic verse.

For Shan this biscuit brings
Circular thoughts of rings.
It might not be a wedding ring.
Perhaps some other kind of bling.

He thought of Bilbo and the Hobbit,
Though even Gollum wouldn’t want to rob it,
As this biscuit isn’t Lord of any ring
But just a cheap and tacky sugary thing.

Simon would rather pay a bill
Than swallow this bitter sweet pill.
Sandy liked the pastel shade
Although the biscuit failed to make the grade.

Hard and crunchy like a fiery Scot,
For Jamie it didn’t do a lot.
Simon J says icing’s nice but,
Sadly, the biscuit’s not.

The colours, we concede, they look attractive
But will make children hyperactive.
This biscuit’s done the trick.
We’ll all go home now, feeling sick.

Biscuit: Fox's Party Rings
Taste test: 3 out of 10 (but maybe we're just too old for them!!)
Cost: £1.09 from Tesco in New Milton


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Never understood why these are ubiquitous at children's parties.


Please tell us what you think about our poems and the biscuits