Tuesday 8 November 2016

We're with her!

Today America will decide
whether to take on Jekyll or Hyde
surely out of 325 million
they could have found
better candidates
to lead the United States

Trump is a racist, a liar, a denier,
a groper and a hater
to the environment he's a traitor

Clinton's establishment, out of touch,
been at it for too long,
she's still singing the same political song

One choice is insincerity
the other may start World War III
But if you vote for Trump
you're voting for a bad smell
that can only get worse
and will be America's legacy and curse.

All things considered

Biscuit: McVitie's Digestives Nibbles in dark chocolate
Taste test: 7 out of 10
Cost: From Waitrose in Lymington

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